Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 2

This week was pretty tricky. It was all about shutter speed. My pea brain still is struggling to remember how to set the setting properly to get the perfectly balanced exposure. The first part of the assignment was not to create the perfect composition but to try to capture motion. Whether it was frozen-in-time motion or implied motion with a bit of motion blur. We uploaded one we'd like to improve on and one we felt captured motion. This was my captured motion pic (again, don't judge the composition)...

The second part of the assignment was to use show a creative use of shutter speed. I like the following photo for the drip of water off the toe seemingly in slow motion but then the spray and bubbling water between the toes. Of course, there are lots of things to improve on but I was okay submitting this one. I have a feeling shutter priority is going to be something I will have to continually practise to get better at!

1 comment:

S said...

I love the drip one. Awesome colours and textures.