I've never classified myself as clumsy but after ceremoniously tripping out to the back patio and laying myself out on the concrete by curiously catching my left foot in my right leg pant cuff, I do begin to wonder just how coordinated I really am.
On a scale of 1 to 10 of spectacular falls where 1 is tripping over the toys kids leave strewn all over the floor and 10 beginning the ones on America's Funniest Video that looks extremely painful but you can't stop laughing, I think I was closer to the 10 end. I only wish someone had been watching so I would know what the hell I really did.
The x-ray showed a lovely splinter fracture through the pinky toe major bone (the longest bone, not the actual toe). Eight weeks of the cast. I'm going to have a bum callous from going down the stairs on my butt.
Oh Heather! That sucks. I'll have to ask Andrew about your boo boo. You are going to have a great leg tan though.
Oh boy. That's too bad.
Oh that totally sucks!!!!
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