Thursday, September 24, 2009


Quin started JK this year. I thought he was totally prepared. He socializes well, he has a stiff upper lip... I drastically under-estimated how attached to home he was, and he has heart-breakingly reminded me every day we've gone. He has these gentle, little sobs and keeps saying "I'm going to miss you so much." I try to keep my happy face on and remind him about how he needs to help his teacher find the gingerbread man (it's the theme they are doing right now and that blasted gingerbread man keeps running away!)... His teacher is so great though and recognizes that this is hard for both of us. She'll come over and ask Quinten to help her lead the class inside, so he gets that stability and trust from her. I feel so guilty sending him when he's crying but I know that he's ready. He just needs to adjust and start becoming Quinten and not Tyler's little brother. Friends have seen the JK/SK classes playing outside and have seen Quin holding his teacher's hand. I will have to have a conversation with her to see how he's really doing. He has a bit of a cold right now so I'm hoping when that passes that he'll start feeling better about school. And I hope he makes a good buddy that he can hang out with and maybe that will help him start looking forward to school days.

It's just so bloody hard! I come home crying and feeling guilty and then I look at Addison and wonder what kind of mess I will be when the time comes for her to attend...